
English alternative orthography for fun

The Google Translator tool also offers a phonetic transliteration quite close, in my opinion, to what I'm doing here: an upheaval in English orthography in order to make it as phonetic as possible, keeping minor concessions to History. Just for fun.

Text taken from here:

Hí olsô met dhe wan rômans in his lîf: dhe doter of dhe pastor of Crassy, a yong woman námd Suzanne Curchod, hú wos lâter tu bicom dhe wîf of Louis XVI’s fînans minister Jacques Necker, and dhe modher of Madame de Staël. Dhe tú developed a warm afinity; Gibbon prosíded tu propôz marij, but ultimitli wedlok wos awt of dhe queschon, blokd bôth bî his fadher’s stonch disaprúval and Curchod’s íquoli stonch riluctans tu lív Switserland. Gibbon riturnd tu Ingland in ógust 1758 tu fâs his fadher. Dher cúd bí nô rifûzal of dhe elder’s wishes. Gibbon put it dhis wâ: "Î sîd as a lover, î obâd as a son." Hí prosíded tu cut of ól contact with Churchod, iven as shí vawd tu wât for him. Dher final imôshonal brâk aparentli câm at Ferney, France in dhe spring of 1764, dhô dhâ did sí ich odher at líst wan mor tîm a yer lâter.

Another one from here:

Fríborn Rôman wimen wer considerd sitizens thruawt dhe Ripoblic and Empayr, but did not vôt, hôld political ofis, or serv in dhe militari. A modher’s sitizen status ditermind dhat of her children, as indicâted bî dhe frâz “children born of tú Rôman sitizens”. A Rôman kept her ôn Family nâm for lîf. Children môst ofen túk dhe fadher’s nâm, but in dhe Impirial piriod somtîms mâd dher modher’s nâm part of dhers, or iven ûzd it instéd.

And here:

Simetri is pervâsiv in living things. Animals mânli hav bilateral or miror simetri, as dú dhe lívs of plants and som flawers such as orkids. Plants ofen hav radial or rotâshonal simetri, as dú meni flawers and som grúps of animals such as sí anemonis. Fîvfold simetri is fawnd in dhe ekinoderms, dhe grúp dhat includs starfish, sí urchin, and sí lilis.

And this last one:

Î wos wondering if Û wer âbl tu asist.
Mî fiancé and Î ar geting marid in Óstrâlia in march 2015 and wúd lîk tu com tu Lembongan in jún tu celebrât awr weding with mî famili from Sawth Africa and Ûrop. Mî famili won't bi âbl tu mâk the weding in Óstrâlia as it is tú ixpensiv for dhem tu travel ol dhe wâ tu Óstrâlia. Wi wer thinking Indonizha wúd bi dhe perfect spot as flîts ar ríznabl and dhe wedher is gúd in jún. Is jún dhe drî sízon?

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